Best Wordpress Plugins

Wordpress plugins are freely available extensions allowing you to add new functions to your Wordpress blog. Thanks to these plugins you will be able to optimize your Wordpress installation for search engines, fight spam comments, add contact forms or image galleries.
There are more Wordpress plugins available that one could tell. But, to keep your blog fast, you should focus on installing the very best of them. So lets review the most useful Wordpress plugins.
Certainly the most useful Wordress plugin. Askimet will help you fight all those spam comments
invading your blog. Askimet works by filtering all the comments and tagging the suspect ones.
You can then delete (or unselect) them in your Wordpress admin screen.
Download Askimet
Sitemaps generator
This must have plugin will generate a sitemap and keep it updated every time you publish a new article.
A Sitemap is an XML file listing all your Wordpress posts urls,
making easy for search engines to find and index them.
All in One SEO Pack
SEO is serious stuff. This plugin is all you need to make your blog search engine friendly.
From generating meta tags, to managing optimized content, it does it all.
Download All in One SEO Pack
A mobile plugin for your Wordpress blog.
WPtouch is the way to make your blog fully compatible with mobile devices.
This plugin uses Ajax to load your Wordpress posts and display them nicely on your visitor smartphone.
Download WPtouch
This official plugin regroups in only one plugin an incredible number
of useful features, from providing visitors stats, to twitter integration. Jetpack even includes
an artificial intelligence based spell, style, and grammar checker.
Download Jetpack