A compact cross-platform Graphics User Interface support system for real-time embedded systems.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
- Development
- Libraries
- Graphics

MiniGUI is a GPL'd free software project, led by Beijing FMSoft Technologies Co., Ltd. ( It aims to provide a fast, stable, and cross-platform Graphics User Interface support system, which is especially fit for real-time embedded systems based-on Linux/uClinux, eCos, uC/OS- II, and other conditional RTOSes, such as VxWorks and pSOS.
- linux
- Downloads6556
- LicenseGPL
- PlatformsLinux/uClinux, eCos, uC/OS-II, and so on
- RequirementsNone
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Downloads / Release History
MiniGUI 3.0.12
Changes Double Buffering Main Window.When a MiniGUI 3.0main window has double buffer, you can get therendering result of the main window in your ownbuffer. By using double buffer technology, you canuse an advance 2D graphics interface or 3Drendering library to get the 3D user experienceeasily.Look and Feel Render (LFRDR). LFRDR provides theuser with various appearance styles of main windowand control. Applications can be very easilyswitched among different styles of windowappearance, as long as passing different parameterswhen creating the windows. In addition, MiniGUI hasfurther unified the attributes of window elements,such as color, size, font, and so on. Through asimple interface, the application can easilycontrol the attributes of a window elements.Support for BIDI Text. In addition to languagesthat we are familiar with are written from left toright (such as English and Chinese), there are somelanguages are written from right to left, likeArabic and Hebrew. To support these languages,MiniGUI 3.0 provides support for two languagecharacter sets for Arabic and Hebrew and BIDI textrendering. MiniGUI 3.0 also provides the keyboardlayouts for these two languages.Irregular window. In the previous version ofMiniGUI, all the windows only can be rectangular.MiniGUI 3.0 provides support for irregular window,such as round rectangular window and non-rectangular window. By using the irregular window,the user interface display effect can be moreamazing.Enhanced font support. In MiniGUI 3.0, FMSoftintroduces a new UNICODE font file format, known asthe "UPF" font. The most important feature of thisfont is to facilitate use in the multi-processenvironment. It can reduce the memory footprint ofMiniGUI-Processes runtime mode. At the same time,FMSoft has enhanced VBF font format, VBF font hasbeen upgraded to 3.0. VBF 3.0 can define the glyphsfor Arabic and other languages.
- libminigui-gpl-3.0.12.tar.gz
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