A redesign of the Mozilla browser component.
- Networking
- Browsers

Firefox is a redesign of the Mozilla browser component (formerly known as Phoenix), similar to Galeon, K-Meleon and Camino, but written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform.
Firefox is now faster, more secure, and fully customizable to your online life.
Firefox continues to lead the way in online security, and now includes active protection from online scams to keep you safer.
- linux
- windows
- Downloads82829
- LicenseOpen Source
- PlatformsLinux, Windows
- Tags
Downloads / Release History

1. Please don't under any circumstances change the name. It's great. Great logo, too. 2. This is the browser I've been waiting for but not daring to hope for. Has almost everything I like about Opera, but it really works. And it works even with my banks. Opera does not--it's java implementation is faulty, still is in 7.0 beta. And Opera doesn't save web sites well--you end up with an indecipherable mess. 3. We won't even discuss how much better Phoenix is than IE. Simply no comparison. Just wish you had a google and vivisimo tool bar that works. Maybe you do now. Thanks, mille grazie, Tausand Dank, ogromnoe spasibo, dennis whelan

The new version of firefox (firefox 2.0) is dead slow. I regret changing from 1.5 version to it

It is very slow for me too. I also regret from downgrading the performance when I switched to 10.0.2 release.

Slow to open.