Clone of AOL Instant messenger.
- Networking
- Chat

Gaim is a clone of America Online's own Instant Messenger client. It features nearly all of the functionality of the official AIM client while also being smaller and faster, commercial free, and maybe even tossing in the extra nifty feature here and there.With Gaim you can log in to multiple accounts on multiple IM networks simultaneously: you can be chatting with friends on AOL Instant Messenger, talking to a friend on Yahoo Messenger, and sitting in an IRC channel all at the same time.Gaim supports many features of the various networks, such as file transfer, away messages, and typing notification.
- linux
- Downloads89094
- LicenseGPL
- RequirementsGTK
- Tags
Downloads / Release History

I've been using GAIM for quite a while, through various revisions, and I find it to be a nice change from AOL's available IM's...kudos to the author

It's such a great program. It used to have some bugs here and there, but not anymore, its regularly updated. I even got my gf to use it on windows, and she's not a techie. Open source at its best.

Still getting the kiks out of file transfers. Aliases are great to use.

I've been using gaim on my Windows PC for a while and let me tell you gaim is great. I use it with my AOL, Yahoo and MSN accounts at the same time easily. Try it and you won't go back to AIM.

My brother was raving about how good Gaim is. Now I know why. I have never seen something that works this well. Thank Ice Walker and my brother for turning me on to this AIM tool. Piece out!