Securepoint Firewall Server4.5
Security for networks with the Securepoint Firewall Server.
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
- System
- Administration
- Firewall and Proxy
The Securepoint Firewall Server is one of thebest free firewall systems. The Securepoint Firewall Server is a high-performance, commercial-grade application designed to offer full protection for network assets. The Securepoint is a complete software system with an operation system, based on a secure Linux. Businesses can combine the Securepoint firewall with certified hardware solutions from vendors like Compaq, Dell and IBM. You can use the firewall on a standard PC with two or three network cards (internal, external and SSN network). The Securepoint is very easy in administration and installation.
- linux
- Downloads4193
- LicenseFreeware
- PlatformsLinux
- RequirementsPC, 64 MB, 4GB Harddisc, minimum 2 NIC
- Tags
Downloads / Release History
Securepoint Firewall Server 4.5
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