ShaoLin Aptus2.0

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Simplified Linux desktop deployment and management solution.

Thursday, May 22, 2003
  • System
  • Administration
  • File Sharing

ShaoLin Aptus, a simplified and fit client network architecture-based Linux workstation deployment and management solution, is a middle-ware for Linux that turns fat client PC network into a "Fit Client" network, a powerful hybrid combining the central management and reliability of thin clients with the performance and flexibility of fat client PC's.

Install ShaoLin Aptus on a Linux server and deploy Linux on your current desktops in minutes without installation on individual desktops at all. ShaoLin Aptus gives you the fastest installation and easiest management for desktop Linux network. Keep using your existing hardware and easily dual-boot back to the Windows on your hard drive. Use Linux with the added benefit of zero-administration on your desktops and central management.

ShaoLin Aptus incorporates ShaoLin's Intelligent Union Architecture (IUA) technology to manage configuration files and utilize shared system resources. As a cluster-like network, ShaoLin Aptus enables to centralize management and keep data consistency across all workstations; and the system is flexible and scalable while delivering high performance.

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  • Tags
    fit client
    thin client
    system management
    desktop management
    distributed filesystem

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ShaoLin Aptus 2.0


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