Grafpup Linux104
Desktop operating system.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
- System
- Operating Systems
- Linux Distributions

Grafpup Linux is a desktop operating system with a focus on providing a complete and stable workflow for digital imaging professionals and graphic artists in a very compact package. It runs quite well as a live cd but with persistent storage for your data and a nice package management system for addon software. Packages can even be installed when running the OS from the live cd and will remain there when you reboot. IGrafpup can also install quite easily to a usb thumbdrive or your hard disk and runs equally well. The total size of the live cd is right around 80mb and the whole of the operating system loads into ram for amazing performance.
- linux
- Downloads3529
- LicenseGPL
Downloads / Release History
Grafpup Linux 2.0
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