OXygen XML Author15.1

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Multi platform Visual Editor of DITA, DocBook, TEI, XHTML.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
  • Web Authoring
  • XML
oxygen xml author jpg

Oxygen XML Author is a cross platform Visual XML Editor. Supports visual XML editing driven by CSS stylesheets with specializations for DITA, DocBook 4 and 5, TEI P4 and P5, XHTML. This support includes document templates for easily creating new XML instances, CSS for WYSIWYG like editing, interface actions for creating and editing lists, tables and marking up specific content, XML Catalogs for faster access to resources, schema files for validation, transformation scenarios to convert from XML to HTML and/or PDF. The DITA Maps Manager allows viewing and editing of DITA map files. It acts also similar with a project manager allowing you to easily open different topics/concepts for editing. The toolbar, the contextual menu and drag and drop actions allow you to easily edit the map content. The XML content included using XInclude or XML entities is presented in place as a read only block that can be collapsed/expanded. With the navigation links support it becomes easy to go from a DITA conref to the referred content, from a DocBook link to the target element or from an XInclude reference to the included content, etc. by just a single click. Hiding the XML markup can have the disadvantage of losing the visual markers (the element tags) between text nodes. Fortunately, Oxygen has a solution for this: the location tooltip combined with the marks from the XML outliner and with the location bar allows you to know at each moment what is the current location in the document. Additionally, there are several levels of display for XML element tags ranging from no tags to full tags. The WYSIWYG like editor was closely integrated in Oxygen as an editor tab called Author next to the Text and Grid editing modes. All the Oxygen powerful editing actions are also available in the Author mode. These include: spell checking, validation, search and replace, XPath execution, etc. Also all side views that Oxygen provides are offering information when editing in Author mode.

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    Typical PC.
  • Tags
    xml editor
    wysiwyg xml editor
    visual xml editor
    html editor
    dita editor
    docbook editor
    svn client

Downloads / Release History

OXygen XML Author 15.1
OXygen XML Author 15
  • oxygenAuthor.tar.gz
OXygen XML Author 14.2
Changes Version 14.2 of oXygen XML Author streamlinesXML reviewing by adding support forhighlights and a Review manager panel.Highlights help you focus on the content youneed to review and the Review manager panelpresents all the changes, comments andhighlights from a document so you can quicklyinspect and manage them.Since searching for topics and otherdocuments is probably the most importantrepetitive task a content author performs,oXygen 14.2 improves the searchingcapabilities by adding a new view for findingresources from the current project and fromDITA maps. The search returns resultsimmediately even for very large projectswhile supporting complex text searchexpressions, such as: multiple words, booleanoperators, group searches, etc. as well asXML-aware filters.Documents from a Microsoft SharePoint servercan now be accessed using the Data SourceExplorer view, where you can edit, check-in,or check-out resources directly.As usual, oXygen XML updates many componentsto their latest versions, and extends the APIavailable to third party applications.
  • oxygenAuthor.tar.gz
OXygen XML Author 12.0
  • author.sh


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