Aims at building toolchains.
Created on Saturday, July 29, 2017
- Development
- Utilities
Crosstool-NG aims at building toolchains. Toolchains are an essential component in a software development project. It will compile, assemble and link the code that is being developed. Some pieces of the toolchain will eventually end up in the resulting binary/ies: static libraries are but an example.
crosstool-NG is really targetted at building toolchains, and only toolchains. It is then up to you to use it the way you want.
With crosstool-NG, you can learn precisely how each component is configured and built, so you can finely tweak the build steps should you need it.
crosstool-NG can build from generic, general purpose toolchains, to very specific and dedicated toolchains. Simply fill in specific values in the adequate options.
- linux
- Downloads19834
- LicenseGPL