The GNOME Spreadsheet.
- Applications
- Business
The Gnumeric spreadsheet is part of the GNOME desktop environment: a project to create a free, user friendly desktop environment. As every other component of GNOME, Gnumeric is free software (Some other people like to call this OpenSource software) and it is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL. Gnumeric is intended to be a drop in replacement for proprietary spreadsheets. We are not attempting to clone existing applications. However, we offer a customizable feel that attempts to minimize the costs of transition. Gnumeric will import your existing Excel, 1-2-3, Applix, Sylk, XBase Quattro Pro, Dif, Plan Perfect, and Oleo files.
- linux
- Downloads35476
- LicenseGPL
- Requirementslibxml libgnomeui gnome-print guppi
Downloads / Release History
Deserves a "5" is an excellent spreadsheet, it would be nice if on the background color that the black grids could show through. Use this daily and depend on it.