HTML rendering/editing library.
Created on Friday, July 21, 2017
- Development
- Libraries
GtkHTML is a HTML rendering/editing library. GtkHTML is not designedto be the ultimate HTML browser/editor: instead, it is designed to be easily embedded into applications that require lightweight HTML functionality.
- linux
- Downloads36322
- LicenseLGPL
- RequirementsGTK
- Tags
Downloads / Release History
In theory this widget is great. Only that is should be renamed to GnomeHTML instead as it requires Gnome. This IS an issue. If you want to build something that will run on slow specs hardware (PDA's ?) or just down want your application to require Gnome, then this "Gtk" widget is of no use. Otherwise it's great.
Use GtkHtml2, it's portable (I run it under Windows) and it's not previous version of GtkHTML3 as the name would suggest, but it's another branch and is developed separatelly. You can find it as libgtkhtml2 in GNOME sources.