Real time web analytics software.
Created on Wednesday, May 10, 2017
- Web Authoring
- Statistics
When you run a website the most important thing to monitor is obviously the visitors who come on your pages as the way they interact with them. And to help you with that, there are online services providing web analytics.
Piwik is different from those as it is a software that need to be installed on your server. But as those website statistics services it will provide detailed reports on your website visitors.
Piwik main features include:
Real time web analytics reports: reports are by default generated in real time.
You own your web analytics data: because Piwik is installed on your server, the data is stored in your own database and you can get all the statistics using the powerful Piwik Analytics API.
This is a Free Software which can easily be configured to respect your visitors privacy.
Piwik features are built inside plugins: you can add new features and remove the ones you don’t need. You can build your own web analytics plugins or hire a consultant to have your custom feature built in Piwik
Advanced Web Analytics capabilities such as Ecommerce Tracking, Goal tracking, Campaign tracking, Custom Variables, Email Reports, and more!.
- linux
- Downloads7738
- LicenseGPL
Downloads / Release History
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip
- latest.zip