The Nautilus Environment -- Delivering a Richer User Experience.
- Applications
- Files
- File Managers
Nautilus is the window to a network user environment that integrates access to files, applications, media,Internet-based services and the Web to deliver a dynamic and rich user experience. Nautilus is an open source project being developed under the GPL (GNU Public License) and is a core component of the GNOME desktop project.
- linux
- Downloads48172
- LicenseGPL
- PlatformsRH 6.2
- RequirementsRed Hat 6.2, x86-compatible processor
- Tags
Downloads / Release History
- nautilus-3.7.91.tar.xz
We used Gnome and Nautilus with no problem, until we switched on January 5th to the new Mandrake 10.1, that updated Gnome hence the new Nautilus with it's "spatial mode" opening hundreds of windows on desktops... To make the story short: by noon we had 250+ tickets pending at the call desk, at 3PM we decided to replace Nautilus by "something else", and we spent a full week replacing it by Fm (not particularly good, but user is king) After reading on the net about that "spatial mode" affair, it seems that stupidity has been around for a year or so, and the development team of Nautilus still believe this is the way to go !!! Well, after replacing their toy by another on some 650 systems, I don't understand their position, and sure we'll keep away from that program for a while... forever... And guess what we are going to tell in the next university sysadmins meeting ?