A flexible utility to get rid of spam in POP3 mailboxes.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
- Networking
- Anti-Spam
Mailfilter is a flexible utility toget rid of unwanted spam mails, beforehaving to go through the trouble ofdownloading them into the localcomputer. It offers support for one ormany POP3 accounts and is especiallyuseful for dialup connections viamodem. You can define your own filters(rules) to determine which e-mailsshould be delivered and which areconsidered waste.
- linux
- Downloads4311
- LicenseGPL
- PlatformsPOSIX (Linux, Solaris, Irix, etc.)
- Tags
Downloads / Release History
1 Comment

Mailfilter 0.8.1
Absolutely a must have. I've been using it a while and Can't live without it. Only thing I would like to change is...... make it an add on to Evolution or build it in. I use a cron job and it runs every five minutes. I also manually run it just before opening Evolution and connecting it to the Internet.