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PlayStation 2 emulator.

Last updated on Thursday, April 19, 2018
Created on Thursday, July 20, 2017
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  • Emulators
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PCSX2 is a PlayStation 2 emulator for Windows and Linux. The PCSX2 project attempts to allow PS2 code to be executed on your computer, thus meaning you can put a PS2 DVD or CD into your computers drive, and boot it up!

PS2 Emulation is a complex task, far worse than emulating a console from the previous generation (PlayStation1, N64, Saturn), simply due to the CPU power required to get 'playable' speeds from a PS2 game under emulation. Whilst speed can be improved via various 'recompilers' (eeREC and vuREC, Emotion Engine recompiler and Vector Unit CPU recompiler respectively), you will still need the latest and most powerfull machine you can get your hands on to even break the 30 FPS mark.

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PCSX2 0.9.4

Preety good but i have the plugin problem i hope to fix it in order to play it again

PCSX2 0.9.7

Preety good but i have the plugin problem i hope to fix it in order to play it again

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