Talend Open Studio5.2.0RC1
Data integration solution.
- Development
- Utilities
Talend's flagship product, Talend Open Studio, is the most open, innovative and powerful data integration solution on the market today.
Talend Open Studio provides advanced capabilities that dramatically improve the productivity of data integration job design; and proven scalability to ensure optimal execution.
Talend Open Studio’s Business Modeler leverages a top-down approach, allowing line-of-business stakeholders to get involved in the design of the integration processes.The Business Modeler provides an easy-to-understand, non-technical view of a business workflow. It typically includes both the systems and processes already operating in the organization, and the ones that will be needed in the future. Systems, connections, steps and requirements are all designed using standardized workflow notation through an intuitive graphical toolbox.
- linux
- Downloads7167
- LicenseGPL
Downloads / Release History
- download.php
- download.php
- TOS-All-r17920-V3.0.0RC1.zip
If you want to attend a free technical workshop on Talend Open Studio, get on the Talend Roadshow! It's not a full training but you get to learn the first steps with an expert and you can ask all the questions you want (at least that was possible in my session in London)