ALinux OS (Operating System)
ALinux OS (Operating System).
- System
- Operating Systems
- Linux Distributions
Approved architecture(s) - AMD 32/64 SMP / Intel 32/64 SMPaLinux is an advanced Office/Multimedia RPM based GNU/Linux distribution.Installing new programs, applications and updating your system from time-to-time has never been easier using Aptitude or Synaptic Package Management System.aLinux is a Professional Linux Operating System already designed to surpass both Microsoft Windows 7 XP/Vista and Apple Mac OS X. While sporting an even more visually stunning Graphical User Interface then our competitors, we still are able to maintain a high level of sophistication, experienced Linux users, have come to appreciate. We believe Linux hobbyists, new users and advanced users, will find the aLinux Operating System an utmost PROFESSIONAL, FAST and EXTREMELY FUN distribution.
- linux
- Downloads25446
- LicenseGPL
- Platformsx86
- Requirements486DX / 256 Mb / VGA Card / Audio Card
- Tags

A very good and easy to install package but could only get a good download from site in hungray..... Dont think it was me as i know other people who have tried to download from main site only for the package to be corrupt. Once a decent download was done was very easy to setup and use. Nice XF86Config,made life very simple

I was pretty lucky to download it from work off the boss's T3 connection, so no problems there :>) . Installation was a piece of cake, and GOD by far blows! RedHat to smitherinze. I was so pleased with it, i even ordered there CD. o Super applications (Not all crap RedHat drives down our throats). I recommend The Peanut Linux to everyone just about. cheers Rob Wold

I could not get this to work. My final solution was to put a 90 meg dos partition on the drive and then copy the linux image to the drive. The install from the floppy using the cdrom would not work either. This was being done on an 486-33 with 8 meg ram and a 250 meg hard drive.

Small, fast, packed with everything for the desktop user as well as a super little work station for those who need it. Pros: easy install, easy to use and has the most uptodate software. Cons: none.

Just keeps getting better and better, your rite! Even runs on my IBM Think Pad with 16mb of memory using there kewl ICE Window Manager :)

I am running an old Pentium 120mhz with only a 1.2 gigabyte hard drive, and that is partitioned between DOS and Linux, and I needed a small footprint Linux that was both fast and stable. Peanut Linux was the answer to my prayers. This distribution is perfect for beginners, especially those running old hardware, who don't have the disk space or resources to handle a major consumer Linux version like Corel or Caldera. It's loaded with applications and features for the desktop user, requires little disk space, and has a revolutionary installation method that is perfect for Windows users looking to explore other options. I also like the fact that I can easily access (and use) my windows files when running Linux. I use my computer mainly for internet browsing, and find myself often booting into Linux and using Netscape to do so because it is faster and more stable than my Windows 95. I also check periodically for updates, as this distribution is well maintained and just keeps geting better. With new versions of the Linux kernel, xfree86, Netscape/Mozilla, and Gnome or KDE all here or soon to arrive I suspect things will continue to improve at a rapid pace, so a system like this that is easy to update is good to have. Finally, the website is really well done, offering great links, and plenty of add on packages for those who want to further explore and educate themselves. I've recently recompiled my kernel for the first time (a beta version of the new kernel which makes things even faster, though a bit less stable -but wait til they work the bugs out!) It's great that there is someone out there trying to make a Linux that will make sense to the average joe and not just an elite group of techies! No its not ready to challenge Windows yet as the dominant operating system for the consumer desktop, but Peanut Linux is a great demonstration of the potential that is there for Linux to be an efficient, stable, easy to use, and complete desktop OS.

I have tryed them all just about " winlinux 2000, mandrake, slackware , monkey linux, relax linux, win95 linux, dragon linux and they all gave me fits, peanut linux got me online and a working system easyest of them all , with the most easy help menus and step to step installation , the way peanuts goining it will be up front in no time, a good replacement for windows 98 -2000

If your new to Linux or just want a Super distribution. Get this one. Have Fun !!

The best linux distribution I have come accross. I tried Turbo linux 6.0, caldera 2.3 and they both gave me too many troubles. I had absolutely no trouble installing and getting on the net with Peanut linux. Eaven on my Laptop! Highly recomended.

Slackware in shorts. I'm so impressed with how much useful computing power can be put in a small distro because someone was kind enough not to throw in everything. Good choices make learning linux easier and I can add on even more power as my experience increases. The latest libraries, kernal, desktop all in a small footprint. Too complicated for a newbie? naah! Read, partion, format, install, have fun. ;-) rnojonson

I have an old IBM ThinkPad 360CSE, no CD drive. I need assistance in getting the ThinkPad to recognize my 3Com pcmcia 3C589C nic and to connect to my e-smith (Linux) server-gateway so I can load Peanut across the network. Either that or I need an external HDD I can hang on another machine and copy the Peanut image and then move it to the ThinkPad and load it ... or I suppose an external pcmcia or parallel port CD or HDD. Did I mention that I cannot afford much for the external device? Thanks! Doc

We recommend this distribution above the rest after using for short time we find it to be clean and fast compared to all other while using a very small footprint of hd space. From a UNIX lover.

The only problems with Peanut is that it is not a distro, it is a system image, so you don't have any options to leave out parts that might cause you pain (like sound or 3D support), and it's not very well supported (emails to the author can simply vanish). This new posting about the 9.0 beta are a good sign that maybe the second problem is going to vanish, and maybe he will fix the first problem by putting more into modules and less into the main bundle. Peanut is more or less a tarball of a system image about 300Mb in size; if you unpack that on a large machine first and then throw out useless parts (like, why does a micro distro need all the help files? why include all the international fonts by default?) you can get it down to maybe 200Mb which will run on any sort of 486. If you do need other bits, I found the RPM/DEB support to be trouble, but slackware packages seem to merge in well with Peanut. Overall, a very complete package, nicely configured, and has enough bells and whistles to amaze.

I've been tracking Peanut Linux since Version7.3 to 8.4, now onto 9.0, final stable version. I have to say Peanut Linux 9.0 is truly out of this world. I've never imagined a desktop so eye popping galore with maticulate function and speed, applications to secure your internet use rite out of the box! while being the fastest release yet. If your current use is WinXP, Red Hat or Mandrake, dump the goules and take on Peanut Linux 9.0. I am amazed.

Of all the distros I've seen, none can match the Peanut. I can even use the samba server distributed in the site right out of the box! Very nicely done. And the author answers regularly in their boards, and have a nice community who answers your questions in almost an instant!

Don't know what the rest on you guys have been smoking, but Peanut Linux is the most frustrating and pointlessly obscure version of Linux I've ever tried... no graphical interface on the install (text looks like an 80's BBS), forces you to format and make partitions without help... trying to install version 9.1 for the last two hours... the partition tool... the one that sizes stuff... doesn't work for me, just the main partition tool... sends me over and over in circles, offers no suggestions for sizes until you already size the partitions... then it just tells you you screwed up, still no help... all the other Linux distributions I've used have built in partitioning... I assume they're just trying to be anti-windows, but face it, a graphical install program is a GOOD thing, even if M$ uses it. OK, I just switched off the computer... WAY too frustrating... I'll put Corel 1.2 back on the laptop. Others reading, BEWARE... this is not a beginners, or even intermediate users Linux... I've used Linux for years... pass this one by... if you want a small Linux, install Corel... better yet, install Mandrake without some of the extras. Peanut may indeed be a nice Linux... if it can be installed without ripping the cd out and whirling it across the room... and that's highly unlikely. I assume most of the comments here were written by the developers... only way I can understand the glowing reviews.

I installed it and i'm declared a newbie still :). It was much easier then having to install mandrake or debian. I didn't even have to partition. I installed peanut rite over top of my debian install. Once installed, Peanuts #1. I suggest Partition Magic, peanut is worth it. I just tried mandrake 8.2 today, i still love peanut more :) BYE!

Ive tried rh 6.0 could not get online with it. rh 7.0 this version was great perfect for the newbie. mandrake 8.0 made to big of a foot print. zipslack linux could not install. peanut linux cut and dry installs easy great little os good for the newbie just make sure to read install text now to look for a hardware modem i wish linux could use software modems oh well maybe some day

Sorry, but it seems to me you don't have much experience with linux... or with computers in general. Partitioning is very simple, the thing that can be a problem is resizing a ntfs partition (for which you'll need pm, else it's a no go). Personally I think peanut linux is a great distro, though I prefer gentoo myself... ~Progster

Tried many distros over the last 5 years but Peanut is now what I use. Clean, unbloated! fast. former RH, Debian and Mandrake ... user

Peanut is a small, fast, Slackware-based distro that comes with a decent selection of application programs that are pre-installed and ready to go. No need to spend hours doing exciting tasks like getting all of your plugins to work properly with your web browser. Just install it and go. Be sure to read all of the installation instructions that come with Peanut, and rely on the help forum if you get into any trouble:

Can't find any downloads of Peanut Linux. Am I missing something here?

Peanut is the distro that brought me into linux... and I've tried many other distros, all the big ones and several smaller ones... never found one that runs multimedia, mysql, php, browser etc right out of the box like peanut does in such a small space... (ok knoppix does rock) Almost all RPMs made for peanut work right away and faultless for me apart from the Open Office RPM which is still not working needs quite some fiddling to get that going. So if you are after OO rather go for Vector SOHO or such. Otherwise the distro was exactly what I wanted, small fast and multimedia capable

Peanut is the only distribution that just went on my machine and everything seemed to work. It really was fairly easy to do (kudzu did the business). Even the wheel on my mouse works. It does seem a little unstable though - sometimes I startx and the desktops flicker about and the mouse flails around - though I may have an old copy. Still not sorted out activating the PPP from non-root either. But it surfs almost out of the box - after a little informed playing. I agree about the partitioning thing though. I've done loads of disk partitioning with DOS / Win and I know the rules there. I've done a bit for linux (RH 5.2) and know what I want, but not how stuff works re Primary / Secondary - Bootable etc. So I had to make a load of guesses - and couldn't get it to boot. (I solved it by installing Win98 in 1st small partition, then peanut in another small one (to keep below cyl 1024), the LILO config found both and installed in the MBR [which it storngly advises against for some reason] does dual boot with no pain at all) Some AUTO-SETUP option would help - and the thing about mount points is a significant problem

I've only been using linux for one year. After installing endless linux os's, Alinux is the one I will stay with, It's my favorite so far.